Gerraint’s Blog
Hear from Engage to Change Lead Ambassador Gerraint about what he’s been up to so far this year!
In January I attended a fantastic conference called the Future Employment Conference in Wrexham. I was on an expert panel talking about my experience of living with autism. I talked about why employers should be employing people with autism and/or learning disabilities.
At the event I networked with Remploy. Engage to Change North Wales delivery partner Agoriad Cyf were exhibiting. I caught up with Mark Isherwood AM, who I know does a lot for autism and ALN in Welsh Government.
On 13th February I attended a meeting with Learning Disability Wales and Public Health Wales. Project Ambassador Michael and I presented the project to Public Health Wales and we discussed how they could get involved and offer work opportunities.
On 20th February All Wales People First Membership Engagement Advisor Tracey Drew, Project Ambassador Elsa and I facilitated a workshop at the Engage to Change South Wales project evaluation event. We talked about people’s personal experiences with job interviews. We asked participants to write their comments on a feedback board, and we gathered some valuable feedback.