Gerraint’s blog January 2020
Throughout January I’ve been doing work for my Motivational Speaking Course. It’s an online course, which I’ve been doing since early 2019.
The tasks I’ve been asked to complete on the course have been very relevant to my public speaking roles with Engage to Change. The course, together with the practical public speaking experience I get through the project, are helping me to further develop my skills.
On 16 January I attended the LGBT meeting with Joe Powell, Chief Executive of All Wales People First, to expand my knowledge on the barriers people with a learning disability face with LGBT as part of my training and development. Also the barriers people with a learning disability face while being LGBT and the problems they face getting into employment.
On 21 January I had a family meeting with Elite Supported Employment Agency about my future career progression and planning for work after Engage to Change. I felt it was a positive meeting. Actions were put in place to help me to continue being in paid employment after the project finishes.
On 23 January I had a Skype meeting with the National Autism Team in Cardiff. The meeting was about the case study film that I’m involved with. We have confirmed that it will be launched during Autism Awareness Week later this year.