How we supported participants on the Engage to Change project
This Easy Read page will tell you about how the Engage to Change project supported young people with a learning disability and/or autism.
We talked to applicants about:
- How much they wanted to work
- Benefits they recieved
- How confident they were about travelling
- Qualifications that they could do whilst working
- Talked about their control over money
- Wether they had a social worker
- Their education
- Their CV
- Whether they were looking for a job.
- hobbies
- Things that they did not like
- Whether they could travel alone
- The types of transport in their area
- Local jobs in their area.
Then we asked you about the type of place they would like to work at
- Whether they would like to do lots of different tasks, or the same tasks many times
- What days and times they would like to work
- Whether they would like lots of breaks or only a few breaks
- Whether they prefer being warm or cold
- Whether they preferred working with other people or working alone
- Whether they liked a quiet workplace or a noisy workplace
- Whether they would like to wear a uniform or not
- Whether they would like to work with people their own age or people any age
- How clean they would like the workplace to be
- Whether they want to do physical work or not
- Whether they would like to work in a small workplace or a big workplace.
We then asked them about their skills.
We would then go through a list of jobs for them to choose their favourites.
Here are some of the jobs we would talk about:
- Animal care
- Caring for people
- Cleaning
- Hotels and food
- Flower shop or garden centre
- Hairdressing
- Leisure centre
- Office work
- Builder’s merchant
- Car cleaning
- Caretaker or handyperson
- Deliveries or removals
- Gardening
- Recycling
- Garage worker
- Factory
- Shops
The final part of the meeting was an assessment.
The assessment checked what they knew about:
- Telling the time
- Money
- Using a computer
- Reading
- Writing
- Numbers
- Health and safety
- Workplace rules.
- Writing a CV
- Filling in job applications
- Training courses
- Volunteering
- Work experience
- Travel training
- Supported employment visits
- Supported interviews
- Supported work trials
- Advice and guidance.