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Gerraint Jones-Griffiths was appointed the Lead Ambassador for the Engage to Change project in March 2018. He works for Engage to Change partner organisation All Wales People First. Here he updates us on what he’s been up to since his appointment to the post.

I met with Engage to Change project partners Agoriad on 20th March, and Robyn and Arthur have agreed to be my mentors. This means I will work closely with Agoriad to promote employment opportunities to young people who live in rural parts of North Wales.

I am looking forward to meeting with Engage to Change project partners ELITE in South Wales soon.

On 13th  March I chaired the Public Health Wales event called ‘Believe in Every Child’. The event was in partnership with 1000 Lives.

In my introduction as Chair I spoke about the opportunities that the Engage to Change project is creating for people with learning disabilities and / or autism spectrum conditions.

Just because someone may have a learning disability and / or autism spectrum condition, it doesn’t mean that they cannot achieve what they want to.

I have always had a motto from an early age, which is ‘A is not for autism, but A is for achievement’.

By Gerraint Jones-Griffiths, Engage to Change Lead Ambassador. To apply to become an Engage to Change Project Ambassador, visit this page for more information: