Engage to change: Progress so far and what we’ve learned
December 2019 | A report about what we have learned so far through the Engage to Change project.
The Engage to Change Project is now in its 4th year, learning lessons about how we can support young people with a learning disability or autism into paid work. The project has had a lot of success and encountered some barriers.
What we have learned so far is set out in this summary briefing.
Engage to Change is a pilot and it has 14 months left to run, and we will learn more in that time. However, it is clear that we need to create a sustainable way to deliver “what works” after the project ends.
This briefing sets out a number of areas of policy where lessons need to be applied if we are to continue the success of the project and create a sustainable Supported Employment pathway to enable these young people to be included in the labour market, and to fulfil their undoubted potential as working members of Welsh society.