Gerraint’s blog August 2020
August is traditionally a quiet month and this month has been no exception! As I said last month, I’m continuing to improve my technology skills and on 20th August I was ‘tech support’ for the Through our Eyes Photography Roadshow. This is All Wales People First’s new project that aims to share stories about the experiences of people with learning disabilities through photography, video and social media. I was pleased to be able to help out and it’s another example of how my technology skills have improved over the past few months.
I’m still attending the National Autism Team’s Website Stakeholder Content Group. My Fun Hours have continued on Tuesdays and we had a new person join us last week. We didn’t do a poll to gather views on the project this time as the National Centre for Mental Health, who evaluate the project, were on leave.
I’ve been involved in the planning for All Wales People First’s birthday celebrations and Annual Conference in October and I’ll be putting my presentation skills to good use by hosting a fun event on the end of the day called Gerraint’s Hootenanny!
I’ve emailed all the Ambassadors for the Engage to Change project this month, to keep in touch and see how they are doing. I’m also continuing to do weekly updates on coronavirus for All Wales People First’s Self Advocacy TV channel, which are also shared on Facebook and Twitter.