Spotlight on employment training
Time to turn the spotlight on ELITE Supported Employment’s Employment Training Coordinators and Consultants!
Kate Goode, Employment Training Consultant
What is your role on Engage to Change?
I am the adviser for the Caerphilly and Bridgend areas for the programme and help young people towards achieving paid work. This includes conducting vocational assessments, building CVs, providing support and guidance, in fact anything we can do to help you into employment and hopefully increase your confidence and independence. I am also the verifier for our formal training and provide advice and guidance on our Agored Cymru units.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I enjoy the variety of young people I meet and finding out about them and what they want to do and supporting them to achieve this. The job’s unique because we are all unique!
What has been your proudest Engage to Change moment?
I feel proud of all of the achievements made by the young people I work alongside. However, I feel very proud of Sam Fox’s accomplishment of gaining paid work with Craig Y Parc.
Tell us a few of your favourite things…
Spending time with my family. I love gardening and growing my own fruit and vegetables.
Bev Davies, Employment Training Coordinator
What is your role on Engage to Change?
As an Employment Training Coordinator, I meet with employers to promote the Engage to Change Project and negotiate a paid placement and/or work experience for the clients. The employers I meet are a match to the clients’ choice of work, this is found out during the person-centred approach assessment with individual clients.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
Meeting with the clients and building up trustworthy partners with the clients and employers.
What has been your proudest Engage to Change moment?
There are lots of proud Engage to Change moments, when I have found the correct Job match for the client. Also, receiving support from the Employers and hearing how well the clients are doing during their monthly reviews.
Tell us a few of your favourite things…
Watching my son play rugby, making cards eg birthday, weddings and anniversary cards.
Socialising with my friends. Relaxing in the garden in the hot tub with a glass of wine!